
Sunday, July 22, 2007

NO END IN SIGHT - NEW Documentary about lack of pre-war planning

No End In Sight [VIDEO]
Posted by Adam Howard at 6:29 AM on July 21, 2007.
A new documentary about the lack of pre-war planning and the disastrous occupation of Iraq gives more of an inside story and has more incendiary interviews than any previous film.

1 comment:

Respectable Citizen said...

Even if they had fully planned the occupation of Iraq, I would still have opposed it, as the invasion was not about liberating the Iraqi people but shoring up US imperialism.

The Project for the New American Century documents written by leading neo-cons around Bush in the years before 9.11 shows clearly what the Iraq War was about.

Unlike in the period of WW2 when the US was the leading economy in the world, the US economy is now in decline and America fears that Europe and China may overtake them.

But America has one advantage over it's economic rivals: It has the biggest army, airforce & navy in the world.

The current "war on terror" was the attempt of the American ruling class to use pure military force to retain it's hegemony in global politics.

Since Suez, the British elite has allied closely with the US.

It shouldn't be a surprise that a Labour leader has been so warmongering.

Like Blair, Clement Atlee sent troops to support a US war (in Korea) and the 1945 Labour government failed to grant independence to a single colony other than India/Pakistan and used violence to surpress anti-colonial uprisings in Malaya.

Harold Wilson supported the Vietnam War, sent troops to Northern Ireland to prop up the protestant elite & also evicted the people of Diego Garcia from their homes to make way for the US military base used to send planes to bomb Afghanistan. (Cabinet doucuments of the time have Labour Cabinet ministers referring to the residents of that Island as "Tarzans of no importance).

Michael Foot in the 1980s draped himself in the union jack and supported the Falklands War.

While in the 90s, the current Lord Kinnock backed the 91 Gulf War to the hilt.

So Blair is in a long tradition