
Monday, February 16, 2009

72% of women are opposed to nuclear power

womens views on nuclear power.

WEN say The government’s decision to give the green light to new nuclear power stations flies in the face of women’s views.

72% of women are opposed to nuclear power.1 A recent survey for WEN2 found that 58% would prefer to live near any other form of power station than nuclear and 86% think the government should prioritise investment in renewable energy as the top measure to tackle climate change. Women have been excluded from the decision making process and our voices are being ignored.

1. WEN, European Commission and Guardian-ICM polls quoted in WEN’s Response to the DTI Energy Review 2006

2. Joint WEN/NFWI survey to inform the Women’s Manifesto on Climate Change 2006.

and another survey...
shows 80% of women are very concerned about climate change. Ninety eight percent of the respondents are keen to see the UK demonstrating world leadership in tackling climate change but 97% don’t think the Government and industry are doing enough.

Women want more green products and carbon labelling of goods (85%), lower prices for environmentally friendly products (85%) and more government grants and incentives for energy efficiency and micro-generation to reduce carbon emissions.

Cardiff Council are certainly not doing enough as the Lib Dems and Plaid carry on with new labour plans to destroy our parks through commercialisation and buld roads and carparks in the park for articulated lorries and sky tv vans!

More on that here

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