Ask any MP or AM or councillor what is the predominate issue for their casework and the answer would be Housing but there is very little evidence that this issue is been taken seriously by our politicans. No tub thumping on this issue.
Recently there have been 55 areas to ballot on stock transfer and those planning ALMO (DCLG list). Authorities proposing stock transfer of their homes (privatisation of council homes)
It is the neo liberal policy framework that has encouraged the systematic disinvestment from council housing. Council housing has been deliberately stigmatised, to brand all of those who won’t or can’t climb the home ownership ladder as failures.
The attack on council housing is part of the drive to privatise public services world-wide and the moves to undermine the role of democratically elected local councils and replace them with private sector dominated quangos and ‘partnerships’
As Michael Meacher, Dave Prentis and others show council homes and estates can be improved if government ring fences all the money that belongs to council housing.
Tenants reject housing transfer
Council house tenants in Swansea have rejected plans to transfer their homes out of local authority control.
The city council proposed a "community mutual" housing association took over the running of its 13,962 homes.Of the 7,847 votes cast, 5,661 (72.1%) rejected the move with only 2,186 (29.1%) voting in favour. Swansea is the sixth Welsh local authority to put the vote to tenants.
Bridgend was the first council to transfer its stock, in 2003, and this year Rhondda Cynon Taff, Monmouthshire and Torfaen tenants have all voted in favour of transfer. People in Wrexham rejected the move.
Bridgend was the first council to transfer its stock, in 2003, and this year Rhondda Cynon Taff, Monmouthshire and Torfaen tenants have all voted in favour of transfer. People in Wrexham rejected the move.
You may be interested that Paul Lynch, the Secretary of Swansea Defend Council Housing is a RESPECT election candidate, heading up the list for South Wales West to fight for the defence of all public services and utilities! Swansea RESPECT have played a vital role in building this victorious campaign
This is one of the highest votes in the highest turn-outs in the UK on the issue of the privatisation of council housing, and has significance way beyond Swansea for the whole of Wales.
Paul Lynch, Secretary of Swansea Defend Council Housing has said in a personal capacity:
"“I am absolutely delighted that the overwhelming majority of tenants throughout Swansea have seen through the council's one-sided pro-transfer propaganda. tenants deserve to be congratulated for standing up to the bullying, and for effectively telling the council, the Assembly and Gordon Brown that we will not be blackmailed into privatisation.
“Well done to all those who have supported the Swansea Defend Council Housing campaign in achieving this crucial No vote. The strength and unity we created as a broad coalition of different groups just goes to show how effective we can be when we unite behind a common cause.
“Being involved with this campaign has inspired me to continue defending our public services. I have recently been selected as a Welsh Assembly candidate for Respect, along with my colleague Ahmed Al Jeffrey, in the South Wales West region.
“I look forward to campaigning to defend our hospitals, schools and pensions – and to working to secure direct investment to improve council housing.
“I hope political representatives from all parties will now join with tenants and other interested parties in lobbying the Welsh Assembly and the Westminster government to secure a level playing field for council housing. This should provide the same level of debt write-off and gap funding that was on offer under the Tawe Housing privatisation scheme."
Another former Labour Councillor has now defected to Respect:
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