
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hilary - shame on you!

Flash! Hillary's a girl WorldNetDaily,
Now, feminists everywhere are making excuses for her. Can they really eat all the words they dished out in their PC lectures over the last three or four ...

Don't make me laugh Guardian Unlimited, UK -
It is often said that feminists can't take a compliment. They can't fit into size zero jeans, either, and probably can't even cook. ...WAGs
I agree with Decca - I would rather, on balance, be humourless than vacuous.
I would rather, on balance, be humourless than vacuous.

Should have some comments here from Ordovicius, Chanticleer, komerad, Laban, Green Arrow, Christopher Glamorgan, Gwe, Freedaspeech, Valleys Mam.

What do you think of Hilary letting the side down? Isn't Deccas article spot on?


Anonymous said...

Decca's article was predictable.
Some of the comments were more enlightening. Hilary Clinton - well at least she out there and doing something positive to highlight and inspire women.
having read her auto biog I have far more time for her than I had
Her terminology well that’s semantics I think she was using what she did tongue in cheek. It was not directed at her -she was directing it.
I am a feminist, not a language feminist -that I see as a diversion. To succeed we don’t tinker at the edges we get into the core

womensvoice said...

H Clinton is a hawk and I have no time for hawks.

Germaine Greer on the power of language and about how damaging and then healing it can be, and how "every time you use a word, it carries with it the weight of every other time that word has ever been spoken." Words exist within a web of language and carry with them a context and connotations that may not be what the speaker intended. Witness the furor over Michael Richards' use of the word "nigger" or whether or not the situation in Iraq is a "civil war" or whether what we're helplessly witnessing in Darfur is "genocide." These debates matter because the words carry powerful associations that can't be escaped.