
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Rhrodri described Blair as a 'friend' of Wales shame he hasn't listened to Leo Abse

In his book first written in 1997 -Tony Blair: The Man Behind the Smile
Leo Abse said - A Labour party denying its socialism and unashamedly stealing Tory clothes in order to appear inoffensive to all, may claim respectability but, in fact, becomes a strumpet of party, for what are being proffered are fantasies, fairy stories, the delusion that without struggle, without conflict, we can have a society where we can live happily ever after.

As actor or performer doubtless [Blair] brought pleasure: his small step from stage to political platform in search of identity may have assisted him in his personal resolution but it left my Labour party shorn; he has taken away the identity of Labour and reshaped it to suit his own psychological measurements. This operation is described by his supporters as ‘reform’ I call it theft.

Tony Blair is no 'friend' to the Labour party and no 'friend' to Wales.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blair was a very clever manipulator. Abse and many of his contemporaries could see what was happening and were helples to stop it. New Labour gained momentum very quickly.

Statesmen like Abse are now extinct in New Labour. There is no place for honest, principled politicians in today's Labour.