
Saturday, May 5, 2007

Resign Rhrodri

Rhrodri Morgan its time to quit, do the decent thing and resign for your partys sake. Even your life jacket won't save you from the sinking ship. Its time for sharing and a more honest politics.

New Labour has suffered its worst share of the Welsh vote since 1918. 32% for Labour – in a nation associated so closely with Labour history – has been unprecedented over the intervening 89 years. People in Wales 89 years ago were inspired to sell their furniture to fund and support the Labour Party which has today turned its back on the least advantaged in society. No matter what glib promises they endless churn out.

It's time for an end to the machiavellian politics and the stranglehold of the Morgans on Welsh Public life.

1 comment:

Respectable Citizen said...

But if Rhodri Morgan goes - who will replace him?

Either someone with the similar politics like Jane Davidson or someone too his right.

All in all, an extremely boring election. Probably because the 4 main parties all agree on essentials. Not a great night for the left with Tommy Sheridan and SSP wiped out in Scotland. Our own organisation had a few modest advances breaking into some new territory.

Back in the days of Nye Bevan or even in the 80s and 90s you had the sense that their was an ideological clash between two opposing forces on election night.